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Vice President of the World Vaishnava Association (WVA), President-Acharya of Sri Gopinath Gaudiya Math, Learned Transcendentalist & Spiritual Leader (Guru), Monk, Author and Poet
How Do Gaudiya Vaishnavas See the World? What Drives Them, and How Gaudiya Philosophy Addresses Life’s Biggest Questions?
Who is a Guru? What Can They Do? And Why Do We Need Their Help?
Nietzsche saw man as a bridge between beast and superhuman. But who is the superhuman? How do I differ from him, or could I already be one?
An outstanding theologian and philosopher of the nineteenth century. Bhakti Vinod Thakur stands out as a Gaudiya Vaishnava and was one of the few scholars deeply versed in the esoteric aspects of Vedic spirituality.
The principal architect of Gaudiya Philosophy and Achintya Bheda Abheda Vedanta, Founder of the Sankirtana Movement, Pioneer of Devotional Monotheism, and Catalyst for Spiritual and Social Reform in Early Modern Bengal
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